Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mercurial and #!CRUNCHBANG Linux

I thought getting this to work was difficult regarding the HG VIEW command. Well it seems not.
Here is how I got it to work.

Download mercurial

sudo apt-get install mercurial

Download wish

sudo apt-get install tk8.5

Add a ~/.hgrc file and add the following code:


having hgk have an empty value allows it to search for the path itself.

Then go to your repository and type in

hg view

and there you go!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Quartz and Google Guice

Got a really hard time looking for resources from the net regarding its integration. But good thing i found this really helpful link from another blog. quartz&guice

Also, I needed to get the injections working within my job. Also took me time to realize what to really search for.. My workaround was to pass the Injector object to the jobDataMap of the jobDetail.

jobDetail.getJobDataMap().put("Injector", jobFactory.guice);

And within my Job class, i can use the getInstance of the injector. :)

Injector guice = (Injector) arg0.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap().get("Injector");

So those objects that handle my Storage and some of my utils are done like this.

mailSender = guice.getInstance(MailSender.class);
loadersStorage = guice.getInstance(LoadersStorage.class);

Here's what my quartz code looks like.


public class QuartzScheduler {

private final Scheduler scheduler;

public QuartzScheduler(final SchedulerFactory factory, final GuiceJobFactory jobFactory) throws SchedulerException, ParseException {
scheduler = factory.getScheduler();
JobDetail jobDetail = new JobDetail("myJob", null, FileWatcherJob.class);
jobDetail.getJobDataMap().put("Injector", jobFactory.guice);
CronTrigger trigger = new CronTrigger("myCronTrigger", "cronGroup");
trigger.setCronExpression("your cron expression");
trigger.setStartTime(TriggerUtils.getEvenMinuteDate(new Date())); // start on the next even minute
scheduler.scheduleJob(jobDetail, trigger);
// scheduler.start();

public final Scheduler getScheduler() {
return scheduler;

public void shutdown() {
try {
} catch (SchedulerException e) {
// ... handle it

public void start() {
try {
} catch (SchedulerException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(QuartzScheduler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


public class GuiceJobFactory implements JobFactory {

public final Injector guice;

public GuiceJobFactory(final Injector guice) {
this.guice = guice;

public Job newJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle) throws SchedulerException {
JobDetail jobDetail = bundle.getJobDetail();
jobDetail.getJobDataMap().put("Injector", guice);
Class jobClass = jobDetail.getJobClass();
Job job = (Job) guice.getInstance(jobClass);
return job;

Quartz Module

public class QuartzModule extends AbstractModule {

protected void configure() {

My Job

public class FileWatcherJob implements Job {
//... declarations here
public void execute(JobExecutionContext arg0) throws JobExecutionException {
try {
Injector guice = (Injector) arg0.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap().get("Injector");

mailSender = guice.getInstance(MailSender.class);
loadersStorage = guice.getInstance(LoadersStorage.class);
entityManagerFactory = guice.getInstance(EntityManagerFactory.class);
persistenceContextHelper = guice.getInstance(PersistenceContextHelper.class);
long newTimeStamp = file.lastModified();
if (FileWatcherJob.timeStamp != newTimeStamp) {
FileWatcherJob.timeStamp = newTimeStamp;
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {

public void onChange(File file) {
//some logic